How many weeks?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Bibi Soothers...

Bibi is a Swiss brand and I came across their range online. I got Esra so many soothers, dummies, pacifiers (whatever you want to call them) from Tomee Tipee in the beginning, she only took one of the designs and the rest were a complete failure.

Now some mothers look at me, and say... "Oh you give your baby a soother?" like it's a bad thing, and I say "errr yes, it soothes her, it's a comfort thing". Some babies don't take them at all and some babies love'em. Esra is somewhere in between.

Luckily for me, Esra loves these Bibi ones.

I got her a night time and day time soother.
The soothers are BPA free, an orthodontic shape, a good fit for a 3 month old - it doesn't cover her nose, and it also comes with a case that the soother just clips into for hygiene reasons. However, one of the best details is in the design of the night time soother, it doesn't have a handle so she is less likely to knock it out accidental when sleeping.

I loved the design of the Looney tunes one so much that I also ordered the soother holder to match, It's brilliant and doesn't detach from her clothes unless I detach it myself.

I would highly recommend as they are affordable yet a little different from the average soother. Check out some of the range HERE.

What kind of soother does your baby like?

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Freddie the Firefly...

Freddie is the first and best toy I recently purchased for Esra...

He is very educational and the cutest, just look at those eyes!

He is colourful and extremely entertaining. Esra is 12 weeks now and I gave this to her a few weeks ago and she just couldn't stop staring at it.

Freddie is well made and suitable from birth. He is made from a variety of textures including crinkly bits, he has a squeaky bit, a mirror, teether, some rings to pull at, knots to chew and he also rattles when moved.

He can be clipped onto a bouncer, a car seat or even a buggy to provide constant educational stimulation.

Esra has just started to grab at it which I'm incredibly pleased about.

A perfect product from Lamaze, nothing negative to say from me at all.

Best of all I purchased Freddie from Amazon for £7.95 with free delivery and it arrived in a couple of days. (RRP £10.99)

If you are pregnant or have a friend that is, you definitely have to get them Freddie!

What's your best baby toy?

Monday, 26 December 2011

Let the discoveries begin!

I have finally taken the plunge to start a baby blog, I have accumulated so much stuff that writing reviews on company websites isn't fulfilling. I'm always trying to create and make space so watch this space for baby storage tips, reviews on products and toys, hauls, Baby OOTD and how to be a yummy mummy!